Prayer Request Please


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First and foremost I want to ask for extra prayers for everyone affected by the horrific tornadoes and severe weather over the last few days. I wish I could help in so many ways, and I know we all do what we can.

I feel terrible coming to you asking for prayers with everything others are going through, but they tell me that this is what the board is for -- so we can help each other out. I know that our wrapcandy *family* is always great with helping with not only prayers, but positive thoughts, so that's why I come to you once again.

My husband goes in for surgery tomorrow (Tuesday) morning on his right eye, then again in three weeks on his left eye. He is almost blind in his right eye and his left eye they said isn't far behind. They are having to cut out the lens and replace so they are also going to cut out the cataracts while they are at it. Please add Jim to your prayers and/or positive thoughts, that everything will go ok for him with both surgeries. He is wanting to see again good, but he's also very nervous about the surgeries with them being on his eyes.

Our oldest son was in a car accident Saturday night during the rain. Thank God he is ok, but his car is a mess. Please add Billy to your prayers and/or positive thoughts that he will continue to remain ok and not have anything show up from it.

These both are on top of recently losing our beloved dog of over 13 years, plus our son losing one of his good friends just a couple of days before that in a motorcycle accident. Also on top of everything else that I was talking about last time, as well as what is going on that I'm not going to go into due to not wanting to say too much.

Hugs to all. Please know that you are all always in my thoughts and prayers, as I know many of you are also going through severe things and don't mention them. So I am always praying for anything you are going through. Again, many hugs to all.


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Oh dear Bobbi. Sending positive thoughts to anyone involved in the horrific weather that has hit the USA and hope that most managed to stay safe.
Your hubby's eye op's will be a success and he will be thankful to be able to see again. One day at a time. Just tell him to remember to put in the eye drops when he is supposed to! (We all know what men are like - treat them like babies, great motto - lol!)
Thankful that your son is okay too and will send positive vibes to ensure he stays healthy.
Sorry to hear of the other things that are still ongoing and can only hope and pray that all will work out in the end.
Hugs n stuff back to you all


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Never be afraid to ask for prayers. There is power in prayer and we all have enough to go around. Yes, I will send prayers to everyone who needs it.


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I know that everyone who needs prayers, are grateful to you all for them. Me included. Hubbies surgery went well this morning and I know it had a ton to do with the prayers because I know they work. He goes back tomorrow morning for a quick follow-up, then back again next week for another follow-up.

Thank you! Hugs.


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Thanks so much, greatly appreciated. So far he's doing well with the first surgery and hoping all goes well tomorrow at his second follow-up. :)


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The good news, all went well yesterday at his second follow-up and he's doing well with that surgery. The other good news is that the pre-op for his Jan. 4th surgery went well yesterday too, and he's ready to go for that one.

Last year at this time hubby had been in the hospital for a couple of days and was in there through Christmas with Covid Pneumonia, thank God he was ok and able to come home a few days later. During this time, and through Christmas and New Years, one of our sons and I also had Covid (but thank God not bad enough for the hospital). So our Christmas last year never really happened, so we were REALLY looking forward to this year as our plans were going to be spending it here at our home with all three of our sons, our two daughter-in-laws, and our two grandkids. All together for the first time in several years, as well as all together for the first time since our youngest was married in November.

So now the bad news, our Christmas Day this year with all of our kids/grandkids was cancelled as of this afternoon. Grandson has been sick for a few days and they think it's Covid (can't get tested because tests are all gone, everywhere); other son/wife were around someone who just informed them they had Covid, so they can't come either. So it'll just be us at home. Life happens as they say. So then I had to go out this evening to try and find things for dinner that I can fix because they aren't bringing things over now. OMG the madhouse everywhere to find anything! The rudeness of folks too, so sad. But finally got enough and now I'm back home.

Just so tired of one thing after another after another after another...etc.

Extra prayers and hugs to all of my wrapcandy *family*.

Merry Christmas everyone, and God Bless.


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My thoughts are with you Bobbi. I am sure you will arrange Xmas dinner for ALL the family a little later in the year. Just hope that everyone gets over this virus safely and quickly.
Glad to hear all is looking good for your hubby's eye op, I am sure it will go well.
This is going to be the first Xmas for three years ... Where my son is not ill. He was in hospital last two years (they released him at 3.00 pm last year to a plain diet,). So no Xmas dinner for us either last year. He's been out all day today so not sure what state he will be in when he gets home cos he doesn't usually drink. Fingers crossed he will be sensible.
Sending positive thoughts and virtual hugs to all those who can do with it.
Have a wonderful Christmas and healthy and happy new year to all wrapcandy members and their families.
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