What would you like added to the forum?


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I would like a 'mark as unread'. Sometimes I want to go back to something I have seen when perusing unread threads so would love to be able to mark as 'unread' again. I know you have added some new items which it could work with but I would have to think about it then .....


Staff member
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Wrapcandy Pro
Elite Member
I've been thinking, but haven't come up with anything as of yet. The good in that is because that means the forum is great. The bad in that is because I'm not helping it grow.

I'll work on it!!


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At the top of the page on the right side, by your name, you will see an envelope. Click on that and you can start a conversation with anyone by clicking "start a new conversation".


You can click on the persons name or picture and start a conversation from there

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