New features have been added to the forum
History of Threads (Get a list of threads you recently visited)
This will make it easier to find posts you've recently read:
How to access your history:
Under the Forum Tab look to the right and click on history See image below:
Quick Search Box searches only titles and displays them very quickly without reloading. If you use the quick search box on the main forum page, it will search all forums. If you are viewing a specific forum page it will search the threads titles of just that forum.
And Find threads you started or threads with your post. See image below to find.
If you have any problems using these features let me know.
- History of Threads you have Recently Visited
- Quick Search Box
- Find Your Threads
History of Threads (Get a list of threads you recently visited)
This will make it easier to find posts you've recently read:
How to access your history:
Under the Forum Tab look to the right and click on history See image below:

Quick Search Box searches only titles and displays them very quickly without reloading. If you use the quick search box on the main forum page, it will search all forums. If you are viewing a specific forum page it will search the threads titles of just that forum.

And Find threads you started or threads with your post. See image below to find.

If you have any problems using these features let me know.